Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Spy with my Little Eye

You just never know what you'll see when running; I think I hit the perfect trifecta of a trailer park vignette during my long run Saturday. Yes, part of my run takes me for a cruise through a trailer park. Let me just say that most of the people living in the park appear to be upstanding citizens of the retired kind, and this post is not meant to be a reflection on them. It is, however, a reflection on the minority of people who live in the park and have a negative tooth to tattoo ratio. And I swear I am not making this up.

Seen in the trailer park, neatly lined up against the curb:

4 empty bottles of beer (domestic brand).
1 McDonalds bag.
1 pregnancy test kit box.

I think this is just the dregs left behind from your typical trailer park date night...


Sarah said...

I had to laugh at your post. I live in an interesting small town and we always joke about tooth-to-tatoo ratio when we go to the town fair. :)

greentigress said...

ROFL - negative tooth - to - tatoo ratio!
There is a trailer park where i run too - but not massive - and it is behind a fence - there is a tied up dog usually...

WendyBird said...

Even my red-neck husband that grew up in a trailer (although not a park) had never heard "negative tooth to tattoo ratio." ROFLOL, that is awesome!