Friday, February 19, 2010

Still No Running...

I've been put on the Do Not Run List-again. The Dr. extended my running ban from 2 weeks post surgery to 1 month which will be my next little visit with him. He wants me to wait just to be on the safe side after my emergency run down to see him last week. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be on the safe side of, but being the compliant patient that I am and valuing my hearing means I will follow his advice. Sadly, he's not a runner (I always ask!) so he doesn't understand just what he's asking of me. I can feel the running mojo draining from my body even as I type this. There's a whole pool of it right now under my desk and I'm wondering if I can scoop it up and save it for later. Does running mojo freeze well? Would I need to drink it when I'm ready to return to running, or rub it on my lazy, soft leg muscles?

The Dr was so unconcerned when he told me not to run-like, well, you can just take it up after our next office visit; no big deal. Sure-no big deal for him. After a month of not running I'm pretty sure I'll be back to square one. He should have been more concerned, more kind and gentle, more Dr. Welby-ish. He should have patted my hand gently, and told me he understood what a huge blow this was, but it was for the best and he wouldn't ask me to do this if it weren't in my best interests.

So here I sit in a big pool of running mojo getting fatter by the minute. I have to remind myself it's all good, I can hear properly, the tv volume is half of what it used to be, and I constantly have to remind Hubby to please use his inside voice....


Sarah said...

Tanya...I know how hard that is. And non-runners don't get all! I had to take August off for medical problems and even my own family didn't get how hard that was. To them, it would be a wonderful excuse to sit around on their butts. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you are able to get back at it.

robison52 said...

Howdy! You need to find a new running/doctor who understands! Did he mention anything you could do during the intermin as to stay in shape? I feel your pain as I've had a couple of injuries the last two years...every time I think I'm in the groove, something happens. I keep repeating to myself during another onslaught, "Don't worry, this too shall pass."

WendyBird said...

The first run or two will be tough, but then the mojo will kick back in and you will be back up to speed and distance in a couple of weeks! Hang in there and try not to hang from the ceiling by your finger nails! Non-runners just don't get it~