Monday, March 8, 2010

I Quit

I gave notice last week-I will work through March, then I'm done. I don't enjoy it and I would quit sooner but my boss would like me to cover the cashier counter while the cashier is on vacation and I agreed. Funny thing is cashiering is my least favorite job in the office. Customers, as a rule, are never happy when they have to pay a bill for service on their car and since I'll be the last person they see as they leave the dealership I'll be the one that they will voice their displeasure to. And this will definitely wreak havoc on my running schedule since I'll have to be the first person there and the last person to leave. The only thing that will save me, running-wise, is there should still be enough daylight to squeeze in a run after work if I manage to hit the road as soon as I get home.

I finally got in a slow 5 miler today. The hips and legs felt better but I'm ridiculously slow-no, really, I'm slower than that. I've decided to accept my slowness and just focus on building up the miles; I wanted this to be the year that I saw some decent times at a few races but there's always next year...


Sarah said...

Only a few more can do it!!! I think it is way too early to give up on faster times for the's only March. :) I have not been doing any speedwork at all lately, so I am also really slow. I plan to get cracking on speed stuff after I run the half in May.

Unknown said...

You can do it! I gave notice at my job too, moving on to do and find things I love. Do you feel free? I sure did! Hope it works well!

robison52 said...

Maybe you can have a work taper? Now is the perfect time to build a mileage base, many SLOW miles, just what you needed for fall's races!! You really don't need speed drills at this time in your training.

greentigress said...

Congrats on giving up a horrible job!!