Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's all good

Today is a rest day. I'm going shopping for needlepoint supplies; I promised the Scottish Society that I would make a needlepoint tapestry for the silent auction at Burns Night in January. That means I need to get my butt in gear and get started-NOW.

I noticed something interesting just this week. My resting heart rate is definitely down. It's just a couple of points, mind you, but it is lower. And my blood pressure is WAY down! It's low enough that when I see the doc in December I'm going to ask if I can stop taking the blood pressure pill, just to see if it will stay down on its own. I'm thinking that I'm finally starting to see concrete evidence of the benefits of running and healthy eating. Aside from that ridiculously huge, monstrous meal I ate over the weekend, I've been really careful with my food choices; I may have finally kicked my salt addiction. And the other really totally cool benefit-you should see my legs. Seriously. I may never wear long pants again. Cuz my legs are hot.

And now, faithful readers, how about closing today's blog with the dumbest news story to come out of Matt Lauer's mouth? It's your classic vehicle vs. train in New York; the driver turns onto the track in front of a commuter train. While the passengers managed to escape without injury the car was DOA. And why, you ask, would a driver turn on to a train track? He turned onto the track because his GPS told him to turn. So... I guess if your GPS tells you to jump off a cliff...


BeachRunner said...

Woo Hoo. Running is paying off for you in so many ways.

Sarah said...

It must feel awesome to see all of the benefits of your hard work. That's great! I am still waiting for my hot legs to come in...

BeachRunner said...

Hey roller girl! I am never eating your sugar cookies. LOL.