Friday, December 12, 2008


Today, on a whim I decided to take a different route for my 10 miler and check out the new pavement on a formerly dirt road. My original plan was to do a 4 mile loop down the new road and then turn back to my usual running neighborhood. However, somewhere around mile 3 that changed. I've always looked up the side streets on this particular road, trying to figure out if one of them will lead me to the top of the mesa. I think that several roads will get there, but they all involve really big, scary, long hills and they've always intimidated me.

I noticed a side street that didn't look too scary and I thought, "why not"? If there are hills and they're too big, I can always walk up them. So I turned left and started up. I continued to climb gradually on a very nice, wide road with some truly beautiful homes tucked away in the eucalyptus. Then-no more houses. Just me, a perfectly paved street, and trees. I'm guessing the developer will eventually put in more homes; at this point, however, there's absolutely nothing up there.

I ran the road to the end, about 1 1/2 miles of seclusion. On my way back I took another little side street just to see where it went and that's when I finally reached the top of the mesa and the absolutely magnificent view. I could see all the way across the valley to the hills on the other side, with strawberry and broccoli fields below. I tried to find the route I ran for the 1/2 marathon I've done in the past; I know it's down there somewhere. The morning was cold and overcast; The hills across the valley were covered in a pale grey mist. After admiring the view I headed back down to finish my run. I'm going to add this route to my list and I intend to enjoy it as long as I can. I hope the developer takes his sweet time building the rest of his houses.


Lily on the Road said...

Good for you to be out and running! Sounds like a nice route and beautiful vista!

I laughed when I read your choice of music over on Beachy's blog...yes, I remember all of the that....thanks for the reminder of "Green Onions" LOL..

greentigress said...

You have inspired me to explore these 2 little paths i have seen on my regular route...!!!!! fantastic!

Pulled out 'Today is not that day' on my run this morning!!! lol
I think that one is a great mantra!!!

WendyBird said...

What a great run! I do miss the scenery and weather in California.

SuperDave said...

One of the greatest things about running is the ability to run a new route, to enjoy the beauty of the earth. Sounded like a fun one!

greentigress said...
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greentigress said...

Thanks for your lovely comments about the coopers test, lol, yes it's not a once in a lifetime chance!!!
I should just about manage 12 minutes if i don't sprint, lol!

BeachRunner said...

Great job. It's so fun to explore new running routes. Especially when they are naturally beautiful.

robison52 said...

Those hills are great strength training...I remembered the quote from the Olympian Marathoner Frank Shorter, "Hills are speedwork is disguise."

CJ Miller said...

With the state of our economy and the housing market, maybe you will keep your serenity and view on that run for a while to come! : )